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The Evolution CS2 Tuner features an advanced six-button control panel, which makes it easy to monitor all your vital engine data and more from the 2.4” high-res color screen. Switch between multiple backgrounds and gauges with the color mixer for a truly one-of-a-kind Edge Evolution CS2 Flash Tuner. A single HDMI-style plug is used for power, linking your other EAS accessories and available online updates. Your Edge Evolution CS2 Power Programmer is backed by a 1-year warranty.

Edge Evolution CS2 Programmer Diesel Engine - 85300

SKU: 20069
    • Ford Diesel 1994-2019 (7.3L, 6.0L, 6.4L, 6.7L, 3.0L)
    • Chevy Diesel 2001-2016 (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM, LML)
    • Dodge Diesel- 2003-2012 (5.9L / 6.7L)
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